Regulatory Survey of the Future of Gas
13th August 2024
The energy landscape is rapidly changing due to efforts to combat climate change. This report focuses on the future of gas for the building sector and examines state-level regulatory changes since 2019. It is one of the most comprehensive reports on the topic, analyzing over 20 states leading the clean energy transition.
It provides valuable information for investors, environmentalists, regulators, legislators, utilities, equipment service companies, and gas producers and traders in a fact-based manner without advocacy.
The report explores the wide variety of the decisions made by regulators across the US, showing which approaches are gaining traction and which are not. It covers initiatives such as heat pump incentives, electrification, renewable fuels, new planning requirements and cost of service changes.
This report will be invaluable for stakeholders to stay informed and make the right strategic decisions.

Incentives electrification renewable fuels operational cost of service planning